Dear friends, Dear helpers,
Ramadan is a holy month where all Muslims come together and reach out a helping hand to those who are in desperate need. One of the first duties of every Muslim particularly on Ramadan is to extend a helping hand to its brothers and sisters facing deprivation.
As every year, we, Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê, are collecting money for those in need. One of our most important humanitarian duties is to take care of those in need. As you know, Kurdistan has been constantly attacked and occupied, as well as natural disasters, causing thousands of displaced people and pushing people into extreme poverty. Our people need your support more than ever to give them a little hope. Let us become active in this holy month and help during the time of Ramadan.
To fulfil the obligations of Ramadan, let us all join hands to help those in need. You can send your fitras, zekats and donations to Kurdistan via Heyva Sor Kurdistanê.
Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê e.V.
FITRA: 12 Euro
(According to the Supervisory and Service Directorate decision we cannot collect donations in the State of Rheinland-Pfalz