Children are the ones most affected by wars and conflicts all around the world.

The aim of this project is to reach out to those children who had befallen to troubled times, faced disasters, wars natural disasters etc. Orphaned as a result, deprived of protection, vulnerable to exploitation, to deliver rel’ef to them, to take them under protection, to offer support to them until such time they can stand on their own feet and look after themselves, to educate them and to prepare them to life with the compassion of family.
According to United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reports approximately one quarter of the children around the world live in countries affected by wars, crisis and natural disasters. According to the report, 535 million children do not have access to medical care, decent quality education, food and protection. Researches carried out by UNICEF and NGO’s more than 140 million children lose their families due to wars and natural disasters and continue their lives as orphans.
The lengthy wars and conflicts in Kurdistan inflicted the greatest harm to children and tens of thousands of them were orphaned.
The moment Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê was activated, the very first project was dedicated to children and continued to be uninterruptedly. Thousands of orphaned, parentless children of in need were regularly supported with monthly aids and this relief continued until they could stand on their feet.
Since its launch, the project has helped 800 children in Kurdistan.

Due to the wars at many parts of the world, and especially in the Middle East and Kurdistan, millions of people have been in the situation of migration, poverty and despair.
The purpose of the sibling family project is to stop the migration, to provide emergency humanitarian assistance, to meet basic health needs, and to offer psychological support. Moreover, it aims to develop a relationship between the families in need of assistance, to introduce them with each other, and to provide assistance in the framework of fraternity law.
This project enables us to support the poor, sick, war-stricken Kurdish families and orphaned children. Alongside the material help is intended to provide, the context of this project also aims to develop humanitarian relationships.
Since the foundation in 1993, Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê has run this project. The context of this project is to support families and to provide emergent needs of them.
We as Heyva Sor a Kurdistan launched a sibling family project to provide humanitarian support for the needy, forced to migrate, sick, injured and orphaned.
You can join our project and adopt a family in Kurdistan as your siblings, take them under your care.
Conditions of this project:
• The financial aid has to be minimum €150 pcm. Families who cannot afford this sum may get together and jointly put up this aid.
• It has to continue for at least one year. Wishing to continue will be up to your initiative.
• The aid ought to be sent directly by you. If you are unable to do so due to not having time etc, our Association will help you.
• In addition, there is the necessity to develop humane relationship with the people in need, to develop relationship with them and if possible to visit them.

The first sentence of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) constitution reads: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” The health care project is tasked with helping to improve the health of individuals and society at large. Its purpose is to treat the sick, assist the disabled, and teach people how to live independently. Kurdish Red Moon believes health care is a birth right and should be provided to the whole of society without discrimination. In addition, non-compliance with this understanding is considered as a human rights violation. In many places the state is responsible for providing health care and creating the conditions to enable people to live well. In areas largely populated by Kurds, states provide fewer resources for health care, thereby discriminating against the Kurds – a clear human rights violation. Further, the environmental and ecological destruction that is taking place in many Kurdish areas (such as forestry being burnt, dams built, toxic material dumped randomly, and in the past villages burnt) has caused serious changes to the vegetation, ecosystem and climate. This, in turn, has had a huge negative impact on population health.
Basic project tasks
Preservation of people’s livelihood, take measures against health threats, provide assistance during natural disasters, fires, accidents and provide medical aid in nearest health centres. To take precautions at meetings, events, sports activities to ensure no health problems occur and provide first aid if necessary. In this regard, we cooperate with other organisations.
*You can read our charity activities which are carried out in previous years on our following brochure.

This is a project that carries out an emergency aid to people in needs, who have been affected by extraordinary situations such as war, natural disasters, epidemic illnesses etc. Within the aspect of this project we deliver basic vital needs to the victims; food, clothing etc.