The aim of Eid is to help those in need and support them.
Eid is an opportunity to give a smile to children in need. It’s not only a day to celebrate and rejoice with family and friends but its also an Important time of the year to help and remember those who are far less fortunate than we are. Whilst we are out buying new clothes for the celebration of Eid and preparing extravagant meals, it is also important to remember those who don’t have these options readily available to them. The significance of this is to ensure those in need of help are provided for and are given the opportunity to celebrate Eid as well.
Do not forget! In many parts of Kurdistan, millions of victims of war and natural disasters and living in difficult conditions are waiting for your help.
This year Heyva Sor a Kurdistan will be sending donations to our people who have been victimized of war and natural disasters in many regions of Kurdistan.
You can send your donations this year to help people in need through Heyva Sor a Kurdistan.
Price of each Kurban is 150 Euro.
Reference: Qurban
(According to the Supervisory and Service Directorate decision we cannot collect donations in the State of Rheinland Pfalz.)
Kreissparkasse Köln Konto. Nr: 40 10 481 BLZ: 370 502 99 IBAN: DE49 3705 0299 0004 0104 81 BIC/SWIFT: COKSDE33XXX (According to the Supervisory and Service Directorate decision we cannot collect donations in the State of Rheinland Pfalz.)
Adresses and bank accounts of the sister organizations
Association Humanitaire Soleil Rouge – RojaSor Tel: +33 (0) 180 89 42 67 E-mail: CIC TROYES HOTEL DE VILLE IBAN: FR7630087335000002074770150 BIC/ SWIFT: CMCIFRPP
Stichting Koerdische Rode Halve Maan (Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê) Fokkerstraat 539 Links, 3125 BD Schiedam Email: IBAN: NL67 BUNQ 2060 3463 71 BIC: BUNQNL2A
Roja Sor a Kurdistanê Brünner Straße 130-134/3/8, 1210 Wien Tel: 00 43 (0) 676 9126884 BAWAG IBAN: AT751400003010314274 BIC : BAWAATWW
Kurdish Red Moon (Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê) Fairfax Hall 11 Portland Gardens London N4 IHU Registered Charity No: 10 93 741 Company No: 42 85 714 BANK: Bank of Scotland plc BRANCH: THE DIRECT BUSINESS BANK IBAN:GB61BOFS80226025797963 BIC:BOFSGBS1SDP ACCOUNT:25797963 SORT CODE:802260
Mezzaluna Rossa Kurdistan Italia ETS (Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê) Via Forte dei Cavalleggeri 53, 57127 Livorno Banca Etica IBAN: IT53 R050 1802 8000 0001 6990 236 BIC/ SWIFT: ETICIT22XXX
Kurdiske Røde Halvmåne Norge (Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê) Bjerkebanen Refstadveien 17, 0589 Oslo / Norge Tel: 0047 98 46 33 28 Organisasjonsnummer: 009124. 84734 VIPPS: 21957 DNB BANK ASA OSLO IBAN: NO 15 1503 4052 953 BIC/ SWIFT: DNBANOKKXXX
ASBL Croissant Rouge du Kurdistan- Koerdische Rode Halve Maan VZW (Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê) Gospertstr. 78 4700 Eupen Tlf:0032 (0) 470 94 64 19 Numéro d’entreprise:465 073 725 BNP PARIBAS FORTIS IBAN: BE04 0013 2448 9631 BIC/SWIFT : GEBABEBB
Kurdistan Red Moon – Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê ( クルディスタン 赤月) Saitama ken kawaguchi shi shiba shinmachi 8-22 Sanko build 501 ( 埼玉県川口市芝新町8ー22 三幸ビル 501) Tlf: +81 90 2149 9979 JP BANK Konto Nr:10100 – 56545271